Sunday, May 03, 2009

A La Weekends

These past few weekends have been fantastic. A few weekends ago, I went down to Seattle for Bunarchy. A bunch of us participated in a bunny bar-hop in Georgetown. It was a lot of fun. We started at the Georgetown Liquor Company, headed to Calamity Janes, Jules Maes and finished at the 9lb Hammer. The 9lb was a very funky bar because there were board games everywhere. I loved seeing Jenga, Trivial Pursuit and Rock'em Sock'em Robots. The evening creme de la creme was the Taco Truck that pulled up to serve fresh tacos at 2 am.

I spent the rest of the weekend at the Csto NW Regional Conference participating in a series to team-building workshops with my Csto campmates from Burning Man. It was great to see old Csto mates from as far away as Victoria and California.

Last weekend, I went to SinCity with a paddy wagon full of Recompression Cops. We wrote citations, performed illegal searches and confiscated concealed weapons. I am still a rookie in training, but I am learning a lot in the ways to becoming a good oscipher.

On Friday, I went to see The Secret World of Og at the Carousel Theatre in Granville Island with Kel, Omid and Erin. I had never read the children's book before, but the adaption was incredible. The screenplay was fantastic, the characters were adorable, the acting was great, and the set design was magical. It is a story about five children that discover their toys are being taken to a secret underground world. After the play, we went for dinner at the Cat's Social House (formerly Cat's Meow). More dark decor swanky, mind you, the service and food were good even though there was not enough staff on hand.

On Saturday, I went with Claire, Dorothy and Delilah to The Reef on Commercial Drive for some Jamaican food and drinks. I love their raspberry rum mojitas. After filling our palates, we went to see By the Seat of Our Panties: A Burlesque Musical at the Vancouver Burlesque Festival. The show was incredible! We laughed non-stop. The musical had so many great numbers performed by a talented cast. I loved the song about Day Jobs. The show was delightfully roaring.

This afternoon, I am going over to Leanne and Louie's for the Annual Brupper. I used to live next door to Leanne in our old apartment building and every year she would host an annual pancake brupper. Guests would bring an ingredient to be the added feature in a batch of pancakes. Previously pancakes have included Oreo chunks, gummie bears, baked apples, bananas and jelly beans. This year, I am bringing butterscotch chips.

I cannot believe it is already May! Spring sprung rather late and I feel sorry for all the hayfever sniffling sufferers. My rent went up again $35 the second year in a row. I am considering moving before it reaches $1,000. A bit much for a one-bedroom apartment, but the rents elsewhere are just as high. *sigh* I could purchase, but I would be paying through the nose as a single-incomer. I am not quite ready for the hippie commune just yet.

Listening to: Corey Hart - Never Surrender


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