Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A La Weekend

On Friday, I went to Steamworks Pub for drinks with Gia and Marie. We watched the sunset off the harbour by Canada Place over appetizers and drinks. We finished the evening with a walk along Coal Harbour and stopped to view the art installation Device To Root Out Evil. Some neighbours feel the art piece is an eyesore, but I think it is a lovely piece of public art. It was voted the favourite from the Vancouver Sculpture Biennale Exhibition.

It was only last weekend I felt free of school. Where I did not have lingering homework to-do-lists and deadlines looming on the back of my mind. I could completely relax, sleep in and let loose for the summer. I am already planning the many park and beach visits, road trips, and camping trips.

On Saturday, I went to the Cambie for some long overdue and much craved poutine and perogies. Made a detour to Deadly Couture across the street. Bought a lovely satin and red printed skirt with a matching collar. I discussed having a turquoise corset made by the lovely and talented seamstress.

In the afternoon, I went to the Earth Day celebration at Jericho Beach. Slight detour at Cuppa-Joe on Alma and Broadway, as Delilah and I walked up to the beach, we saw a bunch of clowns barbecuing and bocce-ing on the beach. I said, "What are the chances we know those clowns?" Sure enough we did. Ran into Rey, Lola and Steve. Lola and Steve brought hula hoops. I still cannot master that art. Maybe some day with plenty of practice. The festival had a peddle-powered puppet show and a stage with live music. Better setup and more interactive booths than last year. Silly me, I forgot my camera!

We were bored and I wanted to dance, so Gia, Angel and I went to Sin City. Great people watching and costumes, but the music was disappointing with only dreary Goth and Hello Kitty Rave dominating. I guess I am spoiled by Twilight Zone days of Goth/Indust/Electro/Punk genres. I was hoping to really dance hard.

On Sunday afternoon, I met Michael and Xandra for his Birthday Free Hugs at the Vancouver Art Gallery. We gave out a reasonable amount of hugs, but our quotas were low because of the rain. A lot of people would not hug-it-out for fear of a gimmick or catch. Tsk!

Listening to: Utah Saints - What Can You Do For Me


Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I went to Recompression this past weekend and I feel so great! I am so relaxed, happy and recharged. I was not going to attend, but I was invited to stay in a great Arabian Nights cabin with wonderful people. The weather was cloudy and rainy, but it did not matter. It was the weekend away from the city I have been longing for since summer.

Wore beautiful sarees and bindis all weekend, Rangered, caught up with friends, and bonded with new ones. Danced here and there and gave and received lots of hugs. We had over 300 attendees this 8th year. I cannot believe another 2 years will be the 10th anniversary. Recompression is officially now a Burning Man regional event.

Yonderboy's Booth Photos.

Listening to: Freeform Five - No More Conversations